Thursday, July 15, 2010

World Building #9.5: More Cartographical Madness

Hey guys. Just a quick update. My good friend Mad Mask decided to do me a favor and whip up their own version of my map:

Beautiful, isn't? A very, very pretty illustration of what the world looks like, although not quite usable as a political map. What I really like that Mad Mask has done is add more water, opening up the seas, adding little bays, drawing rivers. The rivers in particular inspire to think of civilization boundaries. Nice job Masky. Very nice.


  1. O.o

    I wish I could make maps that pretty....and I'm stealing that technique for map design now.

    In other news, nice blog, nice world!
    *is following naow*

  2. Remember kids, the Mollweide projection sacrifices shape for area!
